While it is clear to all of us what the finishing line in a divorce case looks like, what happens between the parents on the day after? Welcome to the Familist revolution.
Adv. Yonathan Kanir || 14.8.19
In Family Appeal 919/15 a groundbreaking ruling was made in the field of family law which has forced us to abandon the old molds and accept upon ourselves a new world.
And if we're already dealing with a new world, we may ask ourselves why stop here, why not exploit the digital platforms which the new world is offering to promulgate proper and more effective conduct after divorce?
As lawyers specializing in family law and representing parents, mothers and fathers alike, in divorce proceedings, one of the most sensitive issues is the parties' children, division of time and expenses, issues which continue to accompany many parents once the dust has settled.
It's clear to all of us, whether reached through a divorce agreement or a judgment, what the finishing line in a divorce case looks like; the delineation of routine and public and school holiday visitation rights, the amount of child support, the types of expenses, apportionment of liability for special expenses, the method and dates of payment, etc. – All of these are known, but what happens between the parents on the day after the divorce agreement? What happens the moment after the ink had dried on the divorce agreement or the judgment?
Take the following paragraph from a routine judgment of the Honorable Family Court on the subject of child support which the parents have to contend with in their daily lives:
"A parent who pays the full amounts of the medical and educational expenses ("the paying parent") shall receive from the other parent ("the indebted parent") his share in accordance with the foregoing provision within 10 days from the date on which the paying parent sent a demand accompanied by the relevant receipts for the requested payment to the indebted parent via documented media, provided that the demand was sent no later than half a year after the expense was incurred".
The digital world has provided us as parents with the tools required to cope. From now on parents can provide a solution to dividing the ongoing expenses instead of raising children in two separate homes, enable the efficient management of each parent's separate household, and most importantly, find an accessible, simple, transparent and reliable channel for conducting the relationship between the two parents and their common children through functional and respectful communication.
The duty to document, track, scan, save, manage invoices for payment, what has been paid and what has not been paid, etc., when white shirts or a ruled exercise book must be brought to the school, are all subjects which easily become a bone of contention between parents. Too many subjects, large and small, require a daily solution in relation to the common children and constitute fertile ground for clashes and quarrels between the parents, even before we've begun discussing the disputed staying times, when the children will be with me and when they will be with you.

The need and necessity for cooperation and with the minimum friction and disputes are being emphasized and the time has come for a perceptual revolution, a time for bringing parents in the State of Israel a simple and effective work tool which is compatible with our digital lives.
The Familist application, was created and initiated by Advocate Mili Indig precisely for this purpose, in order to change how parents in separate households behave, through a dignified solution, while curtailing disputes and building positive and pragmatic communication regarding management of the children's expenses and dividing staying times, in a simple, healthy, calm and efficient to use way.
The Familist application has been devised as and offers us an effective, innovative and smart tool for management of the children's ongoing expenses – accommodation expenses, non-accommodation expenses and special expenses, as well as tools for management of parent-child time, without quarrels and without angry and offensive messages.
Welcome to the revolution – You are invited to join.